Feeding Tiger Cubs Game

These cute animals aren’t as fierce as they look!

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How to play the game "Feeding Tiger Cubs Game"?

Terry, Larry, Tigger and Stripes are the cutest new animals at the circus. These tiger cubs have just finished developing their stripes, and they eat just as much as the fully grown tigers! If they are well fed from an early age, they will grow to be very strong and healthy. Do you think you could feed them? They need lots of meat! Read more

Maybe you have never thought about taking care of baby tigers before, but in this game you have to chance to live up to the challenge. Wait for the cage to open and then choose which kind of meat you’d like to feed to each tiger cub. Sometimes they prefer ribs, others will wants chicken. Each time you complete a level, you will notice that they get a little more difficult. Girls, do your pets at home need as much food as these little guys?



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