Lilou’s 5 Easy Steps To Starting an Awesome Blog

Join Lilou as she starts her own cooking blog and read her five top tips on how to create your own blog!

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Hello everyone! It’s Lilou here and I’ve got some pretty big news for you: I’ve taken the plunge and decided to set up my own cooking blog! Eek!

I knew I always wanted to write about food online (I spend so much time baking/mixing/frying/eating it makes sense, right?!) but I kept putting it off. If I wasn’t worrying that nobody would ever read it, I was worrying that people WOULD read it. Stressful.

So now that I’m on my way, leaping into the world of food blogging, I thought it would be useful to give you my tricks and tips on how I got started because I am THAT lovely and thoughtful.

Get a blog

First and foremost, you need something to blog ON. There’s tons of free blogging sites where you can get awesome designs and templates, so you’ll have no trouble finding a place to start. This is the easy bit!

Name it!

You’ve got your cosy little corner of the interwebs, now you need to name it! And I don’t mean something rubbish like ‘Lilou’s Blog’ - something catchy and fun that expresses just what your blog is going to be about. If you’re struggling, ask a friend to help! Although Lee came up with ‘DigiChef: Lilou’ which made me sound like a strange culinary spy…

Make it beautiful

Your lovely blog is your lovely dohjo to talk about lovely things you love. Treat it as such. Make it pretty and make it easy for visitors to use, too. it’s no good having an all-singing, all-dancing, flashing sparkling Eiffel Tower of a blog if no one can read your posts.

Activity: Take 10 photographs of things relevant to your blog, then pick the three best ones to use. How do they look? Keep practising different light, layouts and looks and your photography skills will keep improving!

Do the write thing

For blogs, you need three things:

  1. Gorgeous pictures/photographs
  2. Great writing
  3. Amazing posts.

Not necessarily in that order - all sorts of different styles work. But taking stunning photos (even just on your phone!) will make your blog look awesome, and if you’re writing posts that inspire/amaze/tickle/shock people then they’ll love your blog.

And don’t forget to make it FUN (unless of course it’s a very seriously serious type blog).

Be true to yourself

Think about what YOU want to post, what YOU like to read in blogs and create a blog that is full of passion and great ideas. Check out other blogs to see what they’re doing (but don’t copy them) and find what makes your blog unique - because chances are, it is!

Once the blog is up and running, I can’t help but get very excited about maybe taking the blog further. At the moment I’m thinking it would be SUPER COOL to make an app where people could read my recipes on their phones and tablets...? I’m THIS excited.

What’s your big idea? Let us know and maybe we’ll find someone to give you some handy tips here on our blog!
