Generator Rex Game

Help Generator Rex to get ready for another day of adventures.

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How to play the game "Generator Rex Game"?

You probably know all about Generator Rex. His name is Rex, and he’s pretty normal except that he can turn his body into some really cool machines, When he isn’t getting into all sorts of dangerous adventures though, he wears normal clothes, and looks just like a normal boy, so if you like boy games and dress up games for girls, then this Generator Rex game will suit you. Read more

All you need to do, like in other online dress up games, is to drag different items over onto rex, until you find some cool outfits that you think suit him. Rex has pals and girlsfriends too, just like ordinary boys, so he likes to dress nice and look good when he goes out to meet his friends. If you like boy games then Generator Rex will be what you love!



Generator Rex is one of my favorites! We clearly have awesome taste! Come and play more of my fave dress up games!