Brit Nick Howard wins the Voice of Germany!

Nick Howard has won the Voice of Germany, read on to find out more!

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Nick Howard has won German talent show, the Voice of Germany, and the lucky guy is now getting set to enjoy worldwide fame. The second season of The Voice of Germany has been very popular in (guess) Germany, and the program shows that there is more to television talent than what the X-Factor has to offer.

However, great as the show is, it does seem to contradict itself a little, as Nick Howard is from Brighton! That’s Brighton, ENGLAND! So, his voice isn’t really German at’s a bit posh and English.

Still, a victory is a victory! Mygames4girls would like to congratulate Nick Howard at this point, and we’re very excited to see what turns his career will take following The Voice. We’re sure the future probably has a lot in store for the talented musician, who now lives in New York. We are looking forward to seeing how it goes, aren’t you? Keep an eye on our blog for updates!
